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How Expensive Is Software Development?

Software development is often a topic that causes confusion. Many people wonder how much it really costs to have software developed. Whether it’s a simple app development, a comprehensive web application, or a custom software solution – the costs vary widely.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how the costs are made up, what factors influence them, and how you can get the best price for your software project.

The Key Takeaways

  • Factors in software development costs: Software development costs vary greatly depending on the size and complexity of the project, the required personnel, and the technology stack used.
  • Cost examples: Simple applications can cost between 5,000 and 50,000 euros, medium-sized projects between 50,000 and 200,000 euros, and complex enterprise software can exceed 200,000 euros.
  • Cost estimation methods: There are different methods for estimating costs, including fixed-price contracts, hourly rates, and agile contracts, each offering different pros and cons.
  • Developer hourly rates: Developer rates vary by region, experience, and expertise, with rates being highest in North America and lowest in Asia.


How much does it cost to develop software?

If you’re considering having software developed for your business, one of the first questions is, of course: How much will it cost? The answer is not simple. There are many factors that influence the costs, and no two software projects are the same.


Factors that influence development costs

Here are the main points to consider:


  • Scope and complexity

The scope and complexity of your project are the biggest cost factors. The more features your software needs, the more time and resources it will take to develop. A simple app with basic functions will cost significantly less than a complex system with multiple interfaces and user groups.


  • Personnel resources

Another important factor is the people working on your project. The more developers involved, the higher the costs. The costs also rise if senior developers are required. Project managers, designers, and quality assurance specialists also contribute to the overall costs.


  • Technology stack

The choice of technology also affects costs. Some programming languages and frameworks require more time and expertise, which increases costs. Technologies that are less common can also be more expensive due to the limited availability of developers.


Examples of software development costs

Since the costs of software development vary depending on the size of the project, here are some examples of software development costs:

  • Simple applications: If you want to develop a simple website or a basic app, costs usually range from 5,000 to 50,000 euros. These projects often have manageable functions and no complex interactions.
  • Medium projects: For applications that involve databases, interactive functions, and possibly multiple user roles, you should expect costs between 50,000 and 200,000 euros. These projects are more extensive and require more development time and resources.
  • Complex enterprise software: For highly complex systems that need to be deeply integrated into existing business processes, and perhaps even include artificial intelligence or machine learning, costs can quickly exceed 200,000 euros and reach into the millions. Such projects require advanced expertise and extensive planning.


Cost estimation methods

  • Fixed-price contracts: In fixed-price contracts, the project is thoroughly documented and evaluated in advance. Based on this, the company sets a fixed price that covers all services. This type of contract offers planning security, as the price remains unchanged, even if the project requires more effort.
  • Hourly rate: With time-and-material contracts, billing is done on an hourly or daily basis. This means that the working hours are billed at an agreed hourly rate. This method offers flexibility, as it allows the effort to be adjusted as needed during the project.
  • Agile contracts: In agile software development, the focus is less on a defined end product and more on a flexible development process. Work is organized in so-called “sprints”, which typically last two weeks. In each sprint, specific goals are set to be implemented. The advantage of this method is that adjustments can be made throughout the development process, allowing the software to be developed flexibly.


How much does a software developer cost per hour?

The cost of a software developer per hour can vary greatly, depending on factors such as the region, experience, and field of expertise of the developer.


Regional differences in hourly rates

These are only rough estimates. The actual hourly rate can vary greatly depending on the freelancer or software company.


Region Hourly rates
North America €90 – €180
Western Europe €72 – €135
Eastern Europe €27 – €63
Asia (India & Southeast Asia) €18 – €45


It’s important to mention that software development costs vary across regions for a reason.

In software development, there are many approaches and methods, and not every developer or company is capable of delivering the desired product in the required quality.

The quality of developers can vary greatly – there are exceptional talents, but also less competent developers.

Just like in sports, there’s a top tier and a lower level. The saying goes: “If you buy cheap, you often buy twice.”

Quality comes at a price, and sometimes it’s worth spending a bit more to ensure the final product meets your expectations.


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Factors affecting hourly rates

  • Experience and expertise: Senior developers with specialized skills charge higher rates.
  • Location: Economic factors and the cost of living in different regions influence pricing.
  • Demand: Technologies or programming languages in high demand can lead to higher prices.


Comparing freelancers and software firms

  • Freelancers: Freelancers tend to be more affordable and flexible but may have fewer resources and stability compared to firms.
  • Software firms: They offer comprehensive services, project management, and reliability, but their costs are higher than those of freelancers.


Further reading: What does software development involve?


Why is software development so expensive?

Many people wonder why software development costs so much. The answer lies in the complexity of the process, the high demands on quality, and the need for ongoing maintenance.


Complexity and customization

The more complex the software, the more expensive it is to develop. Custom solutions tailored to a company’s specific needs require significantly more time and resources than off-the-shelf solutions. While this results in higher upfront costs, it offers more benefits in the long run.


Quality assurance and testing

To ensure the software functions correctly, extensive testing is required. These tests are time-consuming and demand expertise, which increases costs. Quality assurance is critical to making sure that the software is safe and reliable.


Maintenance and updates

The work doesn’t stop once the software is delivered. Maintenance and updates are necessary to keep the software up to date and to add new features. These ongoing costs should be considered in any project budget.


Steps to estimate software development costs

Estimating the costs of a software project is a complex task, and as mentioned earlier, there are different methods. Here are the steps you should follow – or that your software company should follow for you – to get an accurate estimate.


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1. Define project scope and requirements

The first step is to clearly define the scope of the project. The clearer your requirements are, the easier it will be to give a precise estimate. Describe exactly what features the software should have and what goals you want to achieve. This is known as the product requirements document.


2. Break the project into tasks

Break the project into smaller tasks. This makes it easier to estimate the time needed for each task and provides a more accurate cost estimate.


3. Estimate development time

Estimate how long each task will take. Be sure to consider both development time and the time required for testing and quality assurance.


4. Determine hourly rates

Find out the hourly rates for the developers who will be working on your project. Keep in mind that rates vary by experience and region.


5. Calculate total development costs

Multiply the estimated time by the hourly rates to calculate the total development costs. Don’t forget to include project management, design, and quality assurance costs.


6. Account for additional costs

Remember to include additional costs such as hardware, licenses, or external services. These can make up a significant portion of the budget.


7. Review and validate estimates

Ensure that all estimates are reviewed and validated to avoid any surprises later on in the project. A well-documented estimation process helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page.


8. Document the estimation process

Document the entire estimation process so that you can refer back to it later. Good documentation helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures that everyone involved is on the same page.


What role do maintenance and updates play in the total cost of software development?

Maintenance and updates are essential parts of the long-term total cost of a software project. However, it is difficult to plan these costs precisely in advance, as they heavily depend on the project. Some software solutions require frequent updates and intensive maintenance, while others can be operated with less effort.



Ongoing maintenance costs

Ongoing maintenance costs mainly refer to regular expenses incurred monthly or annually to ensure that the software continues to function smoothly. These include server costs, as well as security updates, bug fixes, and general system maintenance.


Update and upgrade costs

Updates and upgrades are necessary to adapt the software to new requirements or to add new features. These costs can vary depending on the scope of the changes.


How do the costs of custom software development differ from standard software?

If you are deciding whether to choose custom software or an off-the-shelf solution, it’s important to understand how the costs of these options differ. Both have their own cost structures, and the choice depends on your specific needs.


Category Custom Software Standard Software
Initial Costs Higher costs, as it is developed from scratch. Lower costs, but may require adjustments.
Long-term Costs More cost-effective, as there are no ongoing license fees. Ongoing subscription or license fees.
Pros and Cons Tailored to specific needs, but higher acquisition costs. Faster to deploy, but may not meet all requirements.


How can software development costs be reduced?

There are several ways to reduce the costs of software development without sacrificing quality.


Efficient project planning

Good and efficient planning is key to avoiding unnecessary costs. Define clear goals and prioritize the most important features to keep the project focused and within budget.


Use of agile methods

Agile methods allow you to adapt the project flexibly and respond to changes early on. This can help control costs and make the project more efficient.


Outsourcing development

Outsourcing parts of the development process can lead to significant savings. However, it’s crucial to maintain quality control to ensure that the end product meets your requirements. It’s important to carefully research which software company is the best fit for your project. Especially for larger projects, we advise against relying on freelancers, as there are often no set quality standards or security mechanisms in place.


How much does it cost to hire a software development team?

The cost of hiring a software development team can vary greatly depending on the size of the team, the experience of the members, and the type of project.


Costs for an in-house team

An in-house team can be expensive, as you are responsible not only for salaries but also for infrastructure and ongoing costs. At the same time, you have full control over the team and the project. But this raises the question: do you have the necessary experience to manage this control effectively?

If not, you may need a very experienced CTO to lead the project – and that can also lead to high costs.


Costs for an outsourced team

An outsourced team can be more cost-effective, as you don’t have to cover infrastructure costs, and you often pay lower hourly rates. However, you may have to compromise on communication and control.


Hybrid team models

A hybrid team, with both internal and external members, can offer a good balance between cost and control. These models combine the advantages of both approaches and offer flexibility while maintaining cost control.


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